VEGAN RECIPES — Recette Kétolat

Tarte onctueuse au chocolat

Creamy chocolate tart

This sugar-free recipe is translated by simple and patience because it requires no cooking but still, it has to be refrigerated to give the perfect texture. Its vegan composition give this tart a wonderful taste and will enchant chocolate lovers with its creamy and delicate finish.

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Mousse au chocolat

Chocolate mousse

We decided to share with you a simple and delicious recipe to feed the sweet cravings of the whole family with a touch of fun! The small difference of this chocolate mousse is obviously its vegan and low carb composition.

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Biscuits aux vrais morceaux de chocolat

Real chocolate chunk cookies

Everyone loves chocolate chunk cookies. Then would you not enjoy a recipe with no negative effect on you health and your body. It is now time to treat yourself after a good meal wihtout putting your head into sugar and guilt. This recipe will make you feel happiest than ever since its made dairy-free. Its soft texture will comfort kids and parents.

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Pudding de chia chocolaté

Chocolate chia pudding

Connaissez-vous tous notre collation préférée? Le pudding au ! Cette préparation est très facile à préparer et vous permet de préparer des collations pour le déjeuner afin d’obtenir votre dose de superaliment pendant la journée. Vous serez également ravi de savoir que cette recette est végétalienne, sans sucre et sans gluten. Maintenant, vous comprenez pourquoi nous aimons cette recette.

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